At Liberty Paving, we also provide specialty signs, non-thermo striping, thermo plastic striping, parking bumpers, bollards, and much more for commercial, multi-family complexes, and industrial parking lots.

services non thermo striping north al

Non-Thermo Striping

We can re stripe the parking lot as is or do an ADA compliance assessment and re stripe your parking lot to code.

services thermo striping parking lot north al

Thermo Striping

Thermoplastic Striping is the most expensive , yet longest lasting form of striping. In many cases for commercial use it is overkill for the actual parking spots but a great idea for stop bars and other markings that are high traffic!

specialty paving services bollards


For safety and security, we can add concrete bollards to areas where vehicles could potentially overextend or crash into pedestrian areas and front entrances. We also provide permanent channelizing devices and highly reflective nighttime visible traffic delineators.

specialty paving services parking bumpers

Parking Bumpers

Either Concrete or Plastic, we can install 1 or 100 + parking bumpers. We also can place speed bumps.

specialty paving services speed bumps

Speed Bumps

Another safety feature we can add are speed bumps. Either poured in place or artificial these can be a very effective means to controlling vehicle traffic

services parking lot signs bollards bumpers

Parking Signs

We can do almost any type of painted aluminum signs up to xx” xx “. Signs can be an effective way to communicate to pedestrians and through traffic the proper way to go and any special directions in tight areas and one-way avenues.
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