Paving FAQs

Why should I choose Liberty Paving?

Our equipment is state of the art, plus we are staffed by experienced and well trained asphalt pavement crews. Paving is provided for highways, roads, streets, commercial properties, and even residential driveways.

Do you perform residential paving work?

Yes. Our market is primarily focused on residential paving. We also perform industrail and commercial paving work, but do not shy away from smaller paving projects as many other companies will do.

Do you perform commercial paving work?

Yes. We perform commercial and industrial paving projects from single-owner properties, church parking lots, commercial parking lots, distribution centers, roadways, pathways, and much more.

What is your service area?

At this time, we primarily service the North Alabama area. If you have a question about our service area or whether we perform work in your area, contact us by phone or email to learn more.

Will my home or business be impacted during your work?

Project phasing, maintaining safe conditions, and keeping the area operating is our main focus. We minimize your impact through proper planning and well marked access and control of work zones. We will work with you to develop a work plan that will allow your business to operate or home to function while the work takes place. We work quickly and efficiently to get the project completed as soon as possible.

What are the benefits of asphalt?

  • Asphalt is 100% recyclable
  • Asphalt is durable and long lasting
  • Asphalt is good for noise reduction
  • Asphalt is cost efficient
  • Asphalt projects can be completed quickly
  • Asphalt paving is good for water drainage

How long after asphalt paving is completed can I drive on it?

The length of time you should avoid driving on asphalt varies based on the job and weather conditions, but in most cases no more than 24 hours. If the weather is especially hot, we may recommend 48 hours for proper curing.

Why should I consider asphalt over concrete for my driveway?

Asphalt is far more affordable and is much easier and cheaper to repair if cracks or potholes form. It has a much shorter curing time and holds up better under heavy loads and temperature swings as our area normally does.

How long will asphalt last?

Under normal conditions, an asphalt parking lot can be expected to last 10 to 20 years, while an asphalt driveway can last 20 to 40 years. There are a lot of variables that can affect the lifespan of parking lots, driveways and roads, including traffic, quality of the base and materials, climate and frequency of maintenance.

What is asphalt sealcoating and should I consider it?

Asphalt sealcoating is a preventative treatment intended to ensure maximum asphalt pavement longevity. Asphalt crack filler is used to seal any cracks or potholes that are beginning to form, then a liquid seal coating solution is sprayed over the repaired surface of your asphalt parking lot or driveway. The sealer helps waterproof asphalt surfaces, slows oxidation and makes asphalt paving more resilient to other potentially damaging fluids, like gas or motor oil.

How long does it take to pave a new asphalt driveway?

Depending on the size and complexity of the project, weather, in particular, possesses the power to slow down driveway replacements. If the sun shines especially bright or hot after the replacement, curing might take a little longer since heat softens the asphalt. Generally speaking, it takes anywhere from 3-7 days to fully demolish an old driveway and pave a new one.

Why should I choose concrete for my paving needs?

If you’re looking for a driveway, it may be an investment upfront but will last long and offers customizability.

  • Concrete is more durable than asphalt.
  • Because it is a less flexible material, it cracks in freezing temperatures, and many people turn to concrete patching products.
  • Concrete offers 50+ years of use.
  • The only maintenance required is occasional degreasing.
  • Resurfacing a concrete driveway offers more opportunities for creative appearance. It can be stamped with patterns, tinted to different colors, given different finishes, or engraved with designs.
  • Though it is more durable overall, when damages do occur, concrete repair is harder and costlier than asphalt repair.

How long does concrete take to cure?

During periods of moderate to warm weather, new concrete could be opened for pedestrian traffic within twenty-four hours. A general guideline is that new concrete should not be opened for vehicular traffic for a minimum of seven days. Concrete cures or gains strength more slowly in colder weather so more time may be needed before putting your new concrete into use.

How do I maintain my concrete to keep it lookging good?

1.) Seal your concrete. 2. Remove stains immediately. 3. Avoid the wrong chemicals 4. Limit your weight.

How long do I need to stay off the concrete pavement?

During the first 24 hours, keep all traffic off the concrete. After two days, you're free to walk on your new concrete. It’s tough enough at that time to resist scars from walking. After 7 days, it’s generally okay to drive on your new concrete with normal passenger vehicles. Avoid larger vehicles, moving trucks, etc. Avoid driving near or across the edges of the driveway, though, since those areas are still weaker.

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