florence al paving asphalt and concrete
concrete asphalt paving north alabama

Commercial and Residential - Parking Lots and Driveways

florence al asphalt concrete driveways

Residential Asphalt and Concrete Specialists

Adding Curb Appeal & Value to Your Home Liberty Paving is a Florence, AL paving company, a residential first asphalt and concrete specialist, specifically servicing the North Alabama homeowner. We don’t just do driveways when all the bigger work is done for the year. We are experts in finish pavements and solutions that last and continue to provide value for years to come. Everything we do is custom tailored with personal attention and individual attention to detail.
Florence, AL Paving

Asphalt and Concrete Services

Liberty Paving is a full service concrete and asphalt paving and maintenance contractor serving residential and commercial property owners of North Alabama. We have the resources to carry out your pavement design and construction needs from project conception to completion.
Browse All Services
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New Construction

We specialize in new construction paving including driveways, shopping malls, parking lots, subdivisions, road construction, industrial, as well as recreational, walking paths.
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Repair & Maintenance

We offer a wide range of services to fit any concrete or asphalt repair or maintenance need using our highly skilled team and the most up-to-date equipment for the most efficient job.
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Drainage Improvements

Shedding the water off of any job is one of the most important steps. Our full consultation process allow us to identify and eliminate any future water issues which could destroy your future investment.
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Speciality Services

At Liberty Paving, we also provide specialty signs, non-thermo striping, thermo plastic striping, parking bumpers, bollards, and much more for commercial, multi-family complexes, and industrial parking lots.

Why Choose Liberty Paving

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Experience & Quality of Work
Our highy trained team members have decades of experience in the commercial and residential paving industry. Our quaity of work is second to none.
icon company integrity and transparency
Integrity is part of the culture. We live and work by it. One of our first opportunities to dispay this is by providing clear and upfront project pricing and scopes of work so you can make an informed decision.
icon affordable paving company
Transparent Pricing
We will provide a general cost analysis of services based on your project details. This clear and up-front pricing allows us to build trust with our customers.
icon paving estimate flexible scheduling
We Provide General Estimates
With just a quick email or phone call, we will provide you with a generalized budget based on a few questions about your project area. If our general estimate meets your budget, we'll schedule an on-site evaluation with our expert estimators.
slide residential paving north alabama

North Alabama Service Area

Muscle Shoals
How Our Process WorksWhen you decide that it’s time for some fresh pavement, whether it’s as big as a parking lot or as small as your driveway, the first thing that’ll need to happen is an estimate. What you'll get is top quality, great pricing and a company big enough to handle all your asphalt paving needs but small enough to care.
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Get in Touch

Call us or send us an estimate request. We'll ask a few questions to gather a few details about your project. We'll provide you with a general budget analysis.
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On-Site Estimate

If our general cost estimate meets your budget and goals, we'll schedule an on-site evaluation with one of our expert paving estimators for the full project scope.
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Schedule Project

When you accept the proposal, the estimator will meet you to review the contract and specifications again. The contract is signed and work is scheduled.
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Work Begins

We will be prompt and diligent in all we do to complete your project in a safe and effficient manner. Weather or rainy periods can cause project delays.
Paving Financing is Available We offer 0% APR for 12 months*
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